Chapter 6

"Where to now?" Brian asked. That store had creeped him out thoroughly.

There were techie masks, voodoo dolls, ancient ritual boxes. Creepy stuff. There was also some normal stuff like flower painted boxes and I love the Virgin Islands. Those shirts looked ridiculous, but he didn't say so. They had kept the weapons in the back and wouldn't let Brian back there. He was forced to stay in the main room, wandering about the used junk and creepy trash.

Once I got the weapons I needed I left, Brian following behind. I had forgotten how much this place made me ache. It was were all the tragedy and heart ache started.

I could feel my body tremble, just a little, and I knew I was going to cry if I stood here looking across at the blue ocean much longer.

I lifted my head, staring at the sky while the sun bathed me in warmth I wish I knew. I was trying to push my emotions back in the box they were pushing out of.

'Back, get back in there', she commanded silently. I promised I wouldn't cry in front of Brian again, not now, not ever. I couldn't believe I cried the first time, everything happened so fast I couldn't help it.

When I felt a warm, heavy hand touch my shoulder I jerked away, walking towards the opposite side of the island. I heard Brian's heavy sigh, but he followed anyway.

I should give his ring back, but I didn't. I, for stupid reasons like feeling wanted, didn't want to give it back just yet.

It made me furious that I wanted to be wanted, but I couldn't stop it. I wanted to throw my bag, that contained the two pistols and a knife, off the side of the island and jump off, but I knew, no matter how mad I was, that was foolishness. He wasn't worth it.

"Cameron, what's wrong?" Brian's voice was soft and endearing.

"Nothing." I snapped.

"Liar." There was a smile in his voice, but I refused to look just to be sure. Let him grin like a stupid fool, it suited her just fine.

"Have you thought about my dream or are you still staring at my butt?" This time I did throw my bag, but it was just on a lower ledge. I sat on the ground and shoved off, landing in a squat position on the lower ground. I had jumped about 15 feet, but we were still far up from the flat land.

When Brian didn't answer I figured it was because he was starting at my butt and was embarrassed about it. Serves him right. I whistled and Bruno barked. He was following them on the flat land. I walked left two feet and picked up my bag.

"How did you know he was there?" Brian asked astonished as he landed where I previously was.

"I didn't. I was checking." When I turned around I hadn't calculated how close he was, my sound told me he should have been at least a foot away, if not two, but he was right there: chest to chest with me. "Back off, Brian." I ordered.

He grinned lazily, like had no intention of moving, like he had all the time in the world. "Why, can't take the heat?"

"Bite me." I barked and was forced to take a step back, nearly falling of the ledge when he came at me, teeth bared. I was forced to grab on to his arm and he took advantage, haling me right up to him once again.

"Watch what you wish for, you might just get it."

I glared at him and he released me, but not before attempting another kiss. "I'll knock you so hard you'll be singing up an octave if you come another inch closer."

He was already much too close as far as I was concerned, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of telling him that.

He grinned at me and released her, stepping to the side so I could pass.

"You really want to know what I think about this dream?" He asked. The change in topic surprised her, but she didn't say so.

I pulled the duffle bag strap over my head and settled it so that the strap crossed over my chest, leaving my hands free for the work ahead.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know."

"Well, I think that the ticking is the person's life span, you know it's going fast."

"We already agreed on that, I want to know about the eyes. Who do they belong to, is what I want to know."

"I couldn't tell you. There are simply too many men with blue eyes." He was silent for a moment and I waited, knowing it was just a matter of time before he started to chatter again.

And they think women talk a lot! I had asked him a question, a yes or no question, and he was answering questions they already had answers to. I wanted new information and if he couldn't give it, I wanted him to be quite so I could think up some answers.

"How do you know it's not me?" He asked, I could hear the worry in his voice. He wanted to know if he was dying.

"I don't. Now really." I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He was looking at the growing, his shoulders slumped with sadness. "I'm not sure though," I didn't know why I was consoling him, it might very well be him. But his eyes just didn't have that same look as the ones in her dream.

They were sad eyes, but now she noticed they had a glint of anger. The sadness had a stronger look in his eyes so the anger was harder to notice.

What did this mean anyway? That's what I wanted to know. I know he was trying to keep from getting bored while he waited for the babies demise, but that's all she knew. She didn't know the relevance, why did he want this person to die? Did I like him? Will I like him in the future? It couldn't be Brian, he knows I don't like him, much.

I couldn't believe I added that last part. Even silently I couldn't deny it, he was starting to grow on me.

Heaven help me, I was starting to like him around me.

I glared at him. Why couldn't he just be a jerk like everyone else, get tired of my mean ways and leave me a lone? No he had to me nice and understanding. Jerk.

I quickened my pace to a run along the ledge and didn't care if he could keep up. I was mad as sin and it was all his fault. I stopped abrupt and started climbing up a vine patch.

Civilization wouldn't be far, 20 minutes or so. They had just skirted around the passport group. They always checked for them, yet I never carried one. Looking right then left, I pulled my body the rest of the way up and barely glanced to make sure he climbed up behind me.

"You're in a rush, what's wrong?"

"We'll I don't know about you but I'd rather not spend the night in jail." I was already walking towards the dirt road. Twenty minutes, that's all until I would be amongst people and their chatter. I hadn't noticed how much I wanted it until the silence came and then I had time to think about...HIM! I glared at him again. How dare he enter my mind!


She kept glaring at me. Why? I didn't do anything wrong, I don't think. She couldn't still be sore about the kiss, I know because she liked it. She would never admit it, but she did, thoroughly. I quit talking, for the most part, after the first glare. She must want to think about the dream, I realized.

But then she just kept looking at me, correction, glaring at me. It couldn't be because I was slow, I kept right up with her. I don't think it was because I almost kissed her again, her 'no' was a little on the soft side when I pulled away.

Maybe it's her 'time of the month', he silently thought and then pushed the thought away, even if it was he didn't want to know about it.

"What for?"


I hadn't said anything in a while, so she forgot her statement about being put in jail. She must have remembered because she responded. "I'm smuggling weapons without a passport or written consent of the gate guards."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't exactly surprised she was smuggling, just that I was apart of it...without knowing it.

I had been too consumed with my thoughts to ask why they were walking about 15 feet down along the same path that could be walked 15 feet up, on normal ground.

I wanted to smile when she said I was looking at her butt, I was, but I know she didn't want to hear that right then.

The dream has really shook her, I can't believe how much. I'd never tell her that, but it bothered her more than she wanted it to...a lot more.

I sighed and watched as she walked a head, mixing in with the crowd of vacationers like she had all the time in the world. If it weren't for her rim-rod straight back, I would have thought the same thing.

I walked up to her, sliding my arm around her waist. She cut me a glance but I just winked and nodded towards a couple 'casual' officers who were trying to looked calm, but were really looking for trouble.

Cameron sighed and slid her arm around my waist.

"Was it really that bad?" I whispered in her ear and noticed one of the officers give me a thumbs up, thinking I just picked her up.

I didn't like the thought of them thinking she was a hooker or something so I took her hand with the wedding ring on it and kissed it. Two of the men turned crimson, the others just averted their gazes.

"Will you stop kissing me!" She hissed, jerking her hand back.

"Shhh, you'll blow our cover!" I muttered into her ear. The cops were still watching us as we walked by. "People are starting at us."

"I wonder why." She snapped back sarcastically. "You're all over me. Get off!" She nearly yelled the last part, but I cut her a look so she had to seethe the words. "If you'd back off, they wouldn't care."

"Not likely, they think you're a hooker. I'll bet five bucks if I hadn't put my arm around you one of those cops would have asked to take you home."

"And?" She glared at me and picked up her pace.

I let her go, anger boiling up. I was only trying to help and she was acting like I was the bubonic plague! I hit on her, true, but that didn't give her right to be so witchy about it.

I sighed. She wasn't witchy, just untrusting. I rolled my eyes, not believing what I was about to do. I didn't do anything. "I'm sorry." I murmured beside her. "Those guys just thought you were a slut and I...I wasn't being a jerk that time."

I pushed my hands into my pockets as we walked. Apologizing wasn't that big of a deal to me, normally. She was just so hard to talk to, it made everything harder.

She looked at me, out of the corner of her eye. Probably checking to see if I was sincere, I thought to myself. Let her look. I just stared straight a head, wondering when we'd get to her storage locker and also wondering why it was out here...on the smallest of the Virgin Islands.

"It's OK, I'm...sorry too."

I thought she said it, I was almost sure she said it, but she was already jogging towards a metal warehouse. She unzipped her wet suit and dropped the bag at her feet so she could peel it off. She pulled a key out that was sticking just out of the top of her bathing suit bottom and started walking around to the back of the warehouse.

I grabbed the duffle back, noticing it was pretty heavy, but not saying so. I followed her to the back and she unlocked the third one.


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