Chapter 8


"Hey, Brian!" I saw Brian first and he looked about as happy as a wet cat. "What's wrong man?"

"Nothing." He said curtly, but glanced at his companion.

"Don't look at me Brian, you think you're so cute, but you're not." Cameron snapped her fingers and Bruno stopped growling at me.

"You don't have to act like you're PMSing all the time though."

"I should have let them-" She growled and asked for the bus.

"It's the big black thing on four wheels over there." Brian said pointing. He gave her bag to her and she walked over to it, Bruno at her heals.

Brian grinned then.

"What's with the mood swings?" I asked as I watched her. She was pretty hot.

"I like ticking her off, call it a hobby of mine."

I smiled, it was like him. "Uh-oh, looks like AJ's going in for the kill."

Brian laughed. "It'd be his death." Brian hitched his bag on his shoulder and walked over. "I should warn him though, we need him in the group."


"I'm AJ and you are?" I leaned against the bus wall, giving my best 'bad boy/sexy stare' look.

"Not interested." She was kneeling on the ground, near the cargo compartment, fishing through her only bag.

"Ouch." I grinned, clutching my heart in mock hurt. "But really, who are you?"


"Mine." I grinned, egging her on.

She wouldn't take bait though, for once. Bummer.

"Really?" AJ asked, amassed.

"Why's that so shocking?" I asked before tossing my duffle bag into the compartment and hefting my back pack over his shoulder.

"She's hot." He said jokingly.

"Eh bite me." I grinned but was really surprised when Cameron started laughing.

She pulled a few things out and walked into the bus, still smiling.

"Why so surprised she laughed?" AJ asked.

"It's rare." I shrugged. "Oh well."

I walked onto the bus only to find Cameron and Nick staring at each other. Nick looked confused and a little amused and Cameron was completely expressionless.

"What's her problem?" Nick asked me as if she wasn't capable of answering for herself. She surly didn't look like she could.

"Ask her."

"I tried, she won't answer." Nick said, he reached out to wave his had in front of her eyes and she came to life. She dropped her clothes and few personal items on the floor- one of which being her precious knife that laded with a thud- gripping his hand and twisting it behind his back so that he almost could touch the back of his head. "Get her off me!"

"Cameron, stop, what are you doing?" Brian dropped his stuff and pulled her off him.

"It's him! It's him!" Cameron yelled pointing at him.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Who am I?" Nick asked at the same time.

"This is Nick, Cameron." I explained, still trying to calm him down. "He's my best friend, remember?"

"You're the cause of all this! You!" She pointed at me. I was too schooled at her turning on me to move. "You and him!" She glared at me for a minute, then pushed Nick out of the way and locked herself in the bathroom.

"What's she on?" Nick asked, rubbing his wrist.

"She's had a lot of problems, Nick." I said, picking up Cameron and my stuff.

"Like what? She acts like a statue when I first see her and then she's going Kun-Fu on me."

What was I supposed to say? 'You're the one who's in her dreams? And you're in there because her... "guy" hates me?'

"Childhood stuff, I can't tell you." I answered. I put her stuff on the bunk below mine, I wanted to keep her close by. Just in case she had another dream.

After tossing my bag on my bunk I knocked on the bathroom door. "Cam, let me in."

I had expected a fight, but she just opened the door. In a voice almost as soft as a whisper she spoke to me. "I don't know what's going to happen to him or when, but it's him. I know it."

"I believe you." But I don't want to. "But how do you know so soon? You said the eyes were sad, Nick's aren't."

"Yeah they are." Cameron sighed and shook her head. She'd had enough sentiments for one evening. "Where am I sleeping?"

"Why, you tired? I wanted to introduce you to-"

"Yeah, I'm tired, where?"

I sighed. "Over here." And I showed her to her bunk.

~ Later that evening ~

"So what's the story with the girl that only AJ and Nick have met?" Howie asked the question everyone had been wanting to ask.

"Nothing." Brian answered evasively. "And her name is Cameron."

"Nothing? You show no interest in any particular girl for months, then you take some girl you just met to the islands for the weekend and when she gets here she try to kill Nick." Kevin finished. "I'd say that's something."

"I'd say you have the story then." Brian sighed, his tummy full.

"Come on Brian, you can't bring a pretty - aggressive- girl on the bus and not tell us about her." AJ grinned.

"You guys want information, ask her."

"Yeah right, next time she will kill me." Nick said dramatically.

Brain rolled his eyes. "Join the drama class."

"So what is she, a female James Bond?" Howie was teasing, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Something like that." Brian stood and stretched. "I'm calling it a night."

AJ grinned and Brian groaned.

Cameron chose that moment to walk into the small kitchen. The bus hit a pot hole and she would have fallen, still half a sleep, had Brian not caught her. "Thanks." She mumbled.

"No problem." Brian leaned close and whispered in her ear. "I suggest you eat in the front of the bus or you'll get the longest 20 questions of your life."

Cameron almost smiled. "Thanks again." She stood up on her own and decided to give the 'leave me alone' speech later. She was too tired.

She'd had another dream, this one with Nick's entire face in it. It just showed his mug, but it was more than she needed to get the real feel of his feelings.

He was wounded about something. His pride maybe, a lost love perhaps. She couldn't figure that or what that stupid ticking was about.

"You going back to bed?" Brian asked a little worried. She'd slept all day, that couldn't be good.

"Yeah, feed Bruno." She turned and left. Seconds later her dog was jumping into Brian's lap.

Brian laughed, momentarily forgetting his worries and remembering his own dog. This dog would eat his for a snack.

"You hungry buddy?" Brian asked, itching behind the dog's ears.

"What's with the dog? He's too big." Kevin wasn't too happy about the dog, but even less happy that he hadn't been informed until too late.

"She's got no where to put him, so he stays. He's no trouble." Brian added quickly to assure Kevin. He stood and snapped his fingers and to his surprise it was the right command.

Bruno followed him, a bounce in his step as he was about to be fed.

"OK, we got a couple can's and some dry, what's your preference?"

"You and dogs, why do you talk to them like they can answer?" Howie questioned, a patronizing smirk on his face.

"He can and so can Tyke for that matter." Brian held the can and the small bag of dog food in front of the dog and he sniffed at them both for a moment before licking the item he wanted. He wanted caned dog food.

"You wouldn't happen to know where your dog dish is, would you?" Brian asked a he opened the can.

This time the dog made him look stupid. He just sat there, eyes on the can.

Everyone laughed and Brian pulled down a bow and showed it to everyone, this was Bruno's bowl now. He filled it with dog food and put it on the floor.

"I'm gonna go check on Cameron." Brian said and pet Bruno's head before walking out of the small kitchen area.


I laid in my bed wondering what I was going to do. There were so many things going wrong. I was figuring out my dream before the baby died, that was always bad. He thought I was getting cocky.

Nick was the dream. He was Brian's best friend from what Brian told me. That wasn't good because no matter how much Brian annoyed me, he didn't deserve this. No one did.

And then there's Brian himself. What am I gonna do about him? He kissed me once and every time I look at him I get chills, what's wrong with me? I've been kissed before, and I've done a lot more than kiss, so it doesn't make sense that one kiss could rattle me so much. Maybe it's because I haven't been kissed or even talked to someone like I have Brian in such a long time. Yes, that had to be it. That was it.

"I'm gonna go check on Cameron."

Well at least one problem was solved. Now here comes another.

I rolled over on my side and possum sleep. I saw the light reflect off the bare walks off my bunk, but I didn't move. Brian sat down next to me, obviously my being "asleep" didn't bother him.

"Cameron." Brian touched my arm. "Cameron, I know you're awake."

"How do you know that?" I asked, still facing away from him.

"I didn't, I just figured since you just went to bed about five minutes ago you couldn't be out already."

I turned to lye on my back next to Brian to look at him. "So what do you want?"

"See about you."

"Well, you've seen, so leave."

"You don't have to be rude to me, I know what's up and I know when to back off. I haven't done anything wrong yet." Brian said, frowning slightly.

I felt my fingers twitch, but I ignored it. "I'm not a people person."

"You're a Brian person, though." Brian grinned that cocky grin.

"And what exactly is a "Brian person"?" I asked, folding my hands over my stomach. This should be good.

"Well, it's a person..." Brian had lowered his voice and he was leaning closer. "Who whether they admit it or not..." He was leaning too close now, he was nearly touching my lips with his. Stop him! "Likes being around me..." I could feel Brian's breath on my lips and felt his gentle brushing. "And me kissing them." Brian's lips settled softly over mine and it felt good.

I could admit myself. He was a good kisser, nothing more.

When I wouldn't kiss back I expected him to remove his mouth, I had hoped. But he didn't, he just moved his hand behind my head, fingers massaging my scalp. The other hand went to my shoulder and neck, where he started to rub there too.

I felt myself relax, just a fraction, but it was enough for both of us to notice. His tongue was velvety soft and hot and wet across my lips. I didn't like how I was letting him do all this, I should stop him, but I wanted to see how far he would go. Yeah, that's what I wanted. That's all I wanted.

Brian's hand started to wander down to my hip but I was more distracted by how easily My fingers started stroking his cheek of their own free will. And I started kissing back.


It took her long enough to get into it, I thought.

I liked knowing that she got goose bumps kissing me, but it could just be the draft coming from the air vent over the isle, but I chose the former. It was better for my ego.

Her mouth was warm and though she'd never admit it, inviting. I think, despite my initial thoughts, she really wanted me to kiss her. I really wanted to kiss her, the only difference is that when we finished she would blame me and I would be happy as a clam.

I liked the feel of her fingers on my face, I was getting the feeling I'd like them any where. She started to take control of the kiss, which had been my initial plan, and her tongue ventured into my mouth. She kissed very well and her tongue didn't seem to miss an inch of my mouth. I haven't been kissed this well in a long time.

We heard foot falls and she broke away. Who ever that was, was gonna die.

Bruno came in, still licking his chops and walked in a circle in the small isle before plopping himself down in the middle of it beside Cameron's bed.

It was just Bruno. I couldn't very well kill Bruno. It still sucked though.

I looked at Cameron and she was steaming mad now, just like I pictured. And I was grinning like a teenager. Maybe I should become a physic. Naught, too much weirdness for me.

"Why did you kiss me?" She asked in a low voice.

"I wanted to. You wanted it too." I rested my hand beside her hip, leaning over her body to be more comfortable.

Cameron neither denied nor agreed, and that surprised me a little. "You shouldn't have done it."

"Why not? Because of your-"

She put a hand over my mouth. "Don't say anything, please."

The look in her eye made me stop. Was there a hint of caring in there? I couldn't be sure, but if she was actually asking for something (and in that sweet tone of voice) I wasn't about to not do it.

"What will he do to me?" I asked, taking her hand in mine. I could tell she was at least a little unnerved, possibly from the kiss or maybe about this topic, because she didn't' pull away. Maybe she was just getting used to affection. Only time would tell, I suppose.

"It's not what he himself will do to you, it's what he'll make me do to you."

"And what would that be?"

"Kill you, no doubt." She said and looked down at our hands, she pulled away. She sat up and bumped her head.

"Ouch." She murmured. "I haven't had a dream about..." She paused to look out into the isle. "Well you know who."

"Not really, there are two now." I reminded her.

"The baby." She almost whispered and I nodded.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Aren't you already?" She made a joke, shocking.

I smiled at the seriousness in her eyes, she probably made jokes a lot and never new it.

"Yes, but I want to ask another."

"OK, but hurry up."

"Why did you sleep all day? Are you trying to avoid everyone or are you really tired?"

Cameron stared at me for a moment. "I don't dodge people."

I smirked. A button. "Oh really then why have you only said a handful of words to AJ and Nick and even then tried to kill him."

"I didn't try to kill him, if I wanted him dead he would be." She tried to counter.

"I'm sure, but still, you are avoiding them."

"Get up! Move it!" Cameron was pushing me out of her bunk, climbing out herself and marching into the kitchen.


We were all standing up to leave the kitchen area when Cameron, who look a little more than just ticked off, came storming in and Brian, who was smiling happy as can be, followed not far behind.

"Park it, all of you!" She barked and we all sat.

"What's up Cameron?" I asked.

"Shut up, I'm talking." She looked at Brian. "I said sit."

Brian's smile broadened and he sat. He was letting her boss him around like this? We were letting her boss us around like this?

"All right, I was gonna wait to say this, but to prove a point I'll say it now. I don't want to be here. You won't want me to be here either in a matter of minutes. I don't like your group and I don't like your singing. I'm not being constructive with this criticism, I just don't like much. I don't have the hots for your choir boy, I just need a place to stay. He messed with my life now he owes me a favor. I don't want friends and I don't want sympathy. Leave me alone, leave my dog alone and I'll leave you alone. With any luck I'll be out of your lives before anything else goes wrong." She turned to Brian after taking a breath. "You happy now?"

Brian was smiling through all of this. "As a clam. But you forgot that you're armed and dangerous."

"Bite yourself." She snapped and walked out of the room.

Brian was laughing so hard I thought he'd fall off the chair.

"You two are always like this?" I asked.

Brian sighed, happy. "Yeah, most of the time."

"You let her yell at you all the time?" AJ asked amazed.

Brian shrugged, still smiling. "It's just Cameron."

"What did you mean she was 'armed and dangerous'?" Kevin asked.

"She's armed with weapons and she's dangerous cuz she can use them." Brian sighed, calming his laughter.

"And you let her on this bus?" Kevin was outraged.

"Yeah." Brian was serious.

For once, Howie thought to himself.

"She has them for self defense."

"From who? Us?" AJ asked, just as mad.

"Gees Brian, what does she think? That since she's on a bus full of guys were all going to hound her?" I asked.

"No, she doesn't think any of that. She's got more problems than she knows what to do with. Than I know what to do with. She's not going to use them on you guys, no matter how much she threatens."

"So what are you saying, her bark is worse than her bite?" Nick asked.

"No, no I'd say she bites pretty hard." Brian grinned and everyone chuckled, dispute the seriousness of the conversation.

"And you would know?" Nick said in an 'as if' manner.

"Well I can't say she's bitten me yet, so no, but she's got pretty good aim from what I hear."

"So who does she think she is?" AJ asked. "She can't just come in here and tell us what to do."

Brian shrugged. "Someone with problems being a people person."

"Oh yes and I'm such a great Brian Person." Cameron rolled her eyes, coming back into the kitchen and opening the small refrigerator.

"Are you back for more?" Brian asked grinning.

"I just want food. You leave me alone." Cameron said, but it almost (despite the fact she was pretty much facing away from us and her hair was in the way) seemed that she was smiling.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"You will, no maybes about it." She pulled out a bottle of apple juice and a doughnut out of the box off the table.

Brian grinned. "I will, will I? Sounds fun to me." Brian stood and walked over to her, but she was already turned around, fist ready at her side.

"I meant you will leave me alone and you know it."

"It didn't sound that way to me." Brian was still approaching her. "And if you tell me to bite myself one more time I'm going to bite you. And that's a promise."

"And then you're teeth will be on the floor." She looked like she was trying not to smile.

I had to admit, their sparing was amusing. Brian was obviously wanting something to come out of this "visit". Cameron, on the other hand, was hard to tell. She acted like a cold witch one-second, then a witty person who seemed almost nice enough to be around.

"I'd like to see that happen." Brian grinned.

"I don't think your fans would want their choir boy toothless." She walked away with that. "Don't you guys have a TV on this thing?" She called and Brian "went to her rescue" with a smile on his face.

"He's done for." AJ shook his head, but a slight smile played on his face.

"How about a bet?" Nick asked with a grin. "I say a hundred they get together in 2 weeks." Nick pulled out his wallet and put a crisp one hundred dollar bill on the table.

"No, it'll take longer than that. Brian's good, but she's better. A month and a week." Kevin predicted, tossing his own hundred on the table.

"Have you been watching them?" I asked. "I say a week and a half."

"You all are poor predictors. She won't have him until after what ever is bugging her is out in the open."

"A date man. Pick a date. You can't be that vague." Nick informed.

"All right, I say 6 months." AJ tossed his money on top of Howie's and the rest of the pile. "Four hundred dollars could buy me a lot of sunglasses." He grinned.

"Could pay half a payment on my new car." I said with a laugh.

"Why'd you get such an expensive plan? I told you I could get a deal!" Kevin said.

And so the topic changed from Cameron and Brian to cars and payment plans.


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