Chapter 14

[Jane's House]

"So did you, um, take classes to learn how to use this?" Angel gasped when Jane plucked the dagger from her fingers and handed it to Cameron.

"I told you to stay out of my bag." Cameron said as she took the knife, setting it by her plate like it was a dinner knife, and continued eating.

"I'm sorry," Angel said, pushing her food around on her plate. "It's just interesting."

"Do you know any tricks?" Aaron asked.

"It's not a toy." I said. "Jane I wish you were on tour with us. Fast food has no comparison."

Jane and everyone else froze in their actions. "Why, um, thank you. That's so sweet."

Cameron's eye brow rose at the family. "I'm not that rude."

"No, no dear." Jane said, walking over to her husband to poar him some more coffie. "It's just, thank you."

Cameron went back to eating.

"So do you know any tricks?" Aaron asked again.

"A few."

"Could you show me?"


"Why not? You're leaving soon, couldn't you show us one or two?"

I looked at Jane while I took a sip of my orange jucie. I shrugged. "Ask your mom."

"Mom please!" A chorous ran out from the table.

Jane sighed. "Fine, but I want promises from all of you, do not touch that knife and don't try these-ever."

"OK." They were all scrambling to their feet and the ever brave Angel was pulling Cameron to her feet as well. Cameron grabbed the knife, taking a strip of bacon along as she went into the back yard.


Brian whiped his brow after the first quarter of the consert. He pulled off his shirt on the way to the dressing room. He had about 5 seconds. Or, that's what it felt like sometimes.

"Hi Brian."

I turned around and smiled. "You got back eairly."

Cameron shrugged, her bags by her feet at the plush arm chair. "Jane is worried I'll slit her throat at night. I decided come back here where everyone's just worried about their manhood."

I chuckled. "Well give me two seconds to change and I'll be right back." I paused. "Unless of course you'd like to help me."

Cameron rolled her eyes. "You wish."

"You're right, I do." I grinned at her and took my change of clouthes into my private bathroom.


I walked down the halls of the consert hall. I tried to think. I hadn't learned much about Nick, well I learned a lot, but nothing helpful. I checked things mentally off in my mind of things I learned.

One, he's had relapses of depression since he was a kid, used to take medication, made him sick. I also found that the medication making him sick was what was keeping him stick skinny. That means he kept taking it just up to a couple years ago.

Two, he's been lonely for the same reason the other 4 have, road life isn't sweet. But maybe his depression has made it a little harder on him.

Three, he doesn't have an unusal fedish for clocks, but I knew that already.

Why Nick if he's so normal? He's not all that ordinary. He doesn't have a strange fedish of any sort that I could find out. Even looking through his bed room that was errily left exatly as he left it as a teenager before stardome. It just didn't fit.

My mind drifted back to the ride home. See? I did it again! I don't know why, I started thinking like I was coming home to someone. I've never come home to anything, let alone a tour bus full of choir boys. Let alone to Brian. Just seeing him again made me uneasy. The sight of him brought back the memory of his promise to kiss me senceless. He'd be gone two seconds he said. I left before one. It's not that I was a coward, definatly not, but I've never had time (not even as a hormone raging teenager) to talk to Cupid. I had things to do and waiting around for a make out sesson, no matter how good it might be, was not one of them.

"You're back." Kevin said. He was wiping sweat off his neck with a plush towel that looked like it had never been used before.

"Yeah, got in an hour ago."

I spied an unusal movement in the far back and zoned out what ever conversation my half-polite stament had triggered out of him. I tried to see around him, as seeing over him was out of the question.

"Hello?" Kevin asked, peeved.

"Keep talking." I looked as a person, male, seemed to be nosing around. "Do you know someone who looks about 5'6, bleach blond, weasile type, green eyes, pale skin, a freckle under his left ear."

"Whoa are you Inspecter Gaget? You got zoom lenses on?" Kevin asked as he watched me.

"Just answer the question."

"No, I don't think so, but there are alot of people here I don't know."

"He's wearing Journey, but I doubt he even knows a single song. I don't like him."

"You don't like me, so what?"

I glared at Kevin. "I dont like you for personal reasons, I don't like him because he gives a bad vibe." I looked back and he was gone. I growled. "Get out of my way, I lost him." I pushed past and started down the hall where I saw him.


"Cameron, you're-" I stoped as she ran past. "Back."

I didn't quite understand what was up, but then this was Cameron I was trying to talk to. I've never understood her. I headed to wardrobe and saw Brian coming down the hall. "Did you see Cameron?"

"She just ran that way." I pointed back in the direction. "You don't have time to chase after her, though. She was running lightneing speed."

"Come on guys." AJ said, already dressed for the next song. I ran ahead of him to change.

"Guess what guys?" Kevin was all smiles as he entered the dressing room with the rest of us.


"Next act is in Florida!"

A round of cheers went out.

"My own bed." I said blissfully. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I started my own little happy dance before pulling my shirt on. "Lets go." I said as I grabbed my leather jacket off the hanger.

[On Stage at the Black & Blue Consert]

They were in the final stretch and they were sweating like pigs. To be Backstreet Boys was to be kings! The crowd had been increadable, they always were.

When they sang their hit single 'More Than That', everyone lit up blue flashlights. A few people in the previous arenas had done this, but this group, they were orginized. They surprised the guys by spelling out Brian, lights off, Nick, lights off, AJ, lights off, Howie, lights off, Kevin, lights off, BSB! It was incredable! The guys were inspired and working harder than ever.

They passed out so many flowers at this consert that they cut into the shipment for the next two conserts. The stage was beyond cluttered with food and toys and feminine underware.

AJ was the first to notice something was wrong. The audencie's attention seemed to be detruting from the Backstreet Boys, he couldn't figure out why, they were their most active group yet.

He looked up where a group of girl's he had been flirting with were pointing. He couldn't believe it. Cameron was hanging from an electrical pipe. 150 plus feet into the air.


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