Chapter 3


"I need to get a few things." I looked at Brian as we stepped out of the bakery.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you need."

I looked down the road, down at Bruno, anything but look at him. He was being so nice, so caring. It'd bugged the crap out of me.

"Yeah, whatever. I have to go to the Virgin Islands for a couple days."

"Why there?" He rubbed his arms with his hands.

"My stuff is in storage there." I hesitated. Should I tell him or let him just think I'm getting clothes. "And I have to get a new knife."

"What? Why are you bringing weapons?" Brian turned to me, forgetting about the cold.

"I'm paranoid, probably. I just know I can't sleep with out it. I promise I won't cut up one of your choirboys. Just so long as they leave me and Bruno alone."

"I'm going with you."

I scoffed. "Yeah right. I'm not taking you anywhere." I turned to go to my apartment and then realized it was headed for ash. Bruno whined, which he rarely does.

I looked up and around. "We're being watched."

"What?" Nerves sounded in Brian's voice.

"I don't know where, but we are. Probably a sniper." I looked at him. "Do you have someplace we can go?"

"Yeah, I'll call a cab."

"Is it far?"

"No, but-"

"Run." I snapped my fingers and Bruno was running a head of us and down an alleyway.

"Where are we going?" Brian asked. "The hotel's on the other side of town."

"We have to loose our tail first. Bruno can show us how."

We chased after Bruno, with only the sounds of our breathing and cluddering feet being heard in the mix of city nightlife. He turned down two more alleyways and then stopped in the middle of one and went silent.

"What's he doing?" Brian rested his hands on his knees and used the dog's stopping as a break. His breath was labored even for someone who seemed fit.

"We lost them."

"Who is 'them'?"

"I haven't the foggiest." I shrugged and patted Bruno's head. "I rarely do."

"So you just run?" Brian stood, but his chest was still rising and falling quickly.

"When it's appropriate. I fight rather than flight most of the time. But when Bruno says it's time to go, most likely, I agree." She gave the dog another loving pat on the head and he gave a muffled bark, as if to acknowledge it and keep quite at the same time.

"So now can we go to the hotel? I'm freezing." Brian rubbed his arms again now that his heart rate was returning to normal.

"Are you sure you want me around? You're gonna be in for a lot more than that." I nodded in the general direction of the trouble we just ran from.

"You'll be running for my sake too." Brian grinned. "Granted, my fan's aren't out to kill, they can get a bit rough."

Bruno stood on all fours and made another muffled bark.

"He's coming." Brian guessed.

"Right, let's go this way and out on the main street." I said as I snapped my fingers and started walking. "We'll get a cab and go to your hotel. In the morning I'll make some calls." I raised my hand once on the main street and waited for a cab. "I'll be gone for two, three days tops. That should be enough time for you to-"

"I'm going with you." His voice was determined and his stare never waved as he pulled open the cab door that pulled up.

I ignored it for now and snapped my fingers for Bruno to get in the car. I climbed in after him, with Brian following.

Brian pulled out his cell, after giving directions, and punched digits.

"Hey, Nick, yeah it's me. Yeah, she's OK, she's going to stay with her mom." Brian looked at me and it was obvious he wanted to tell his friend. I shook my head 'no' and to emphasize the danger I dragged my pointer finger across my throat as if it were a knife.

He nodded and swallowed hard, obviously already figuring as much, but my visual gave him the creeps. "So Nick I…um, met someone." Brian looked at me and the twinkle of amusement was in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. She's a pistol all right, but then I never settled for much less."

I resisted the urge to flip him off and turned my head to pet Bruno who was happily looking out the window at the world flying by.

"Oh, she's great. Loves to argue." He chuckled when a growl escaped my throat.

"We're not a couple." I mouthed to him.

He just shrugged. "So, it's fun." He mouthed back. "Yeah Nick, she's here."

I know my face blanched at the words. "No, no, no." I mouthed repeatedly.

"Talk to you? Oh, I think her dog is giving her a bit of trouble."

Bruno looked his way and gave a bark, as if he was in on the joke too. Brian laughed.

"Traitor." I grumbled to Bruno. He just licked my cheek and returned his attention to the ride.

"We'll we're going to the Virgin Islands for a couple days. Oh, yeah man, nothing but the best." Brian laughed at something his friend said on the phone and I rolled my eyes.

What had I gotten myself into? This was all a game to him. He didn't see the seriousness of it all. My life, now his life, soon his friend's lives were all in her hands and her 'hands' were grave danger. They always were, but now she had to deal with 5 'boys' who thought getting a sore throat was the worst thing in the world. Oh, whoa is them…NOT!

I let out a pent up sigh and rested my head back against the beat up cab seat as I listened to the rest of his conversation. He did have a nice voice, though.


I watched as Cameron fell asleep. It was odd, even asleep she seemed to have her guard up. As if 'on the watch' so to speak. A bible verse came to mind at that time, "Keep on the watch and pray continually that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak." *

I imagined she was many parts of that verse. She had to 'keep on the watch' to protect herself from danger. I wasn't sure if I figured her for one to pray, much less 'continually', but still I didn't see her as one to give in, or 'enter into temptation'. She had sprit, I could tell that from the moment I met her, but weak wasn't a word I would use to describe her. In a matter of flesh and blood, yes I would say she's as weak as the rest, but other wise, she's probably stronger than most people give her credit.

That verse just seemed to suit her. He thought of another verse that also seemed to suit her.

"Keep YOUR senses, be watchful. YOUR adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour [someone]." **

Again, with being watchful. She did always seem on the watch. But who was her 'Devil' and why did he want to 'devour' her? What had she done to deserve this?

I smirked to myself. I didn't know what brought on that theological 'discussion' as it were.

I didn't have time to ponder on those thoughts because the light of the hotel were coming into view and I had to gauge how I would wake the 'sleeping beauty' beside me. I grinned at the name. This could be more fun that I anticipated.


*Matthew 26:41 of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
**1 Peter 5:8 of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.


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