Chapter 4


We arrived at a very snazzy Virgin Island hotel by mid day the next day. Neither of us got anymore sleep that night so we booked the earliest flight. Everytime Cameron closed her eyes she said the blue eyes were just starring at her and I could tell, though she would never admit it, it was depressing her. She kept saying that the eyes were very sad and worried which worried her in return.

Neither of us could figure what the ticking clock meant, so we figured that was his life clock ticking away.

Cameron had checked every individual on our private jet and we had to trade three captains until we got a pilot and copilot without blue eyes.

"I'm not going to risk the man with blue eyes to turn out to be out pilot." Cameron had said.

She checked all the sturdiest and all 12 people on board. If they were females, she allowed them to stay, and if they were little boys.

"They eyes were a man, not a boy." She said when I questioned her. Everyone was agitated with her, but when she spoke no one questioned. It was odd in a why, but it also made plenty of sense. When Cameron was around everyone was sure to take notice.

"Are you going to think the day away?" Cameron cut through my thoughts, standing in front of me. She had a blue bikini top showing while the bottoms were covered by the wet suit shorts. The top of the full body wet suit was pulled down around her waist and her hair was slicked back from her earlier swim in the water.

I stood up and moistened for her to come over. She was only a few feet away. "Here ya go." I handed her a small box.

"What's this?"

"If we're married you need a ring." I held up my hand. "I have a ring, where's yours?" I grinned when she made a small gasp.

"Brian I can't take this. We'll get a junky one-"

"And make people think I'm cheap? I think not." I took out the small diamond covered band and the small gold wedding band and placed it on her finger.

"This is too expensive, I'll lose it, I know it."

"Then I'll get a new one. Now say 'I do' after me and then shut up." I smirked when she rolled her eyes. "I do."

"I do." She repeated with bite.

"Now I may kiss my bride." I pulled her to me before she could object and pressed my lips down on hers.

They were soft and warm, just like I thought. They had a taste of salt water left from her swim. Her hands were pressed against my chest, but she made no attempt to push me away.

I liked the feel of her sun warmed, water damped skin against mine. I had discarded my shirt once we neared the dock and put on a pair of swimming trunks.

I was the one to break away and I was pleased to see she still had her eyes closed. Her lips were slightly parted and I could feel her breath on my throat.

Finally she opened her eyes and saw me grinning at her. She snapped out of it and pushed me away. "Jerk."

I laughed and followed her to the boat. "So, Mrs. Littrell, when do we get to your friend's swap shop?"

"Bruno." She called for her dog and ignored me.

I smiled happily and sat on the nose of the boat, relaxing under the sun. It was a bit odd that I kissed her so soon, but I couldn't help it. I looked at her, she was furious with me, it was great.

The dog jumped over me and sat next to Cameron as she manned the controls to their rented motor boat.

"You might want to get inside the boat." She snapped and I chuckled as I moved to sit on a boat seat.

She took off with force and I tried not to laugh. Bruno, still trying to find his water legs, wobbled over to me. He sat next to me and put his paw up on my leg.

Leaning down I whispered to him. "I think I made her mad, don't you?"

The dog licked my cheek.

I nodded. "I think so too."

I stood and walked over to her. "Sugar pie." I sang, just to tick her off more.

She darted a look at me.

I grinned. "You want me to drive."

"I can drive just fine, thank you."

"Hey, I'm just trying to be a loving husband. You know a 50/50 relationship."

She rolled her eyes and moved to the side.

"Thank you." I took the controls and watched as she moved around me to the nose of the boat.

She turned and yelled to me over the sound of engine. "Over there. The smallest island." She pointed then pulled her wet suit over her body. It was a sleeveless suit that enhanced her curves. She stepped up on the nose of the boat and then jumped off to the side.

"Cameron!" I called out and stopped the boat.

I saw her shadow under the water and saw that she was swimming for shore.

Bruno barked, but it was at me.


Bruno jogged to the controls and barked again.

"All right." I started up the boat and when I was finally moving again Cameron was coming up for air and going back under again.

I beat her only because I had a motor. She swam fast to shore and it surprised me. Why, I don't know. She seemed to have a million tricks up her sleeve.

"Why'd you do that for?" I asked after tossing her the rope to tie the boat to the dock.

"I didn't want you trying to kiss me again." She tossed over her shoulder before walking away, Bruno at her heals.

I grinned. I ran up to her and was still smiling. "But you forget, we have to prove we're married to your friends."

"I have no friends and the ring is proof enough." She started to climb up a steep hill with Bruno gaining on her.

I followed not knowing who would live on top just a seep hill. "Franky lives up here? Or is you stuff up here?"

"My stuff is on the other side of the island. That's…Franky's house over there." She had to pause to climb up the rest of the way.

"How'd you climb up here with out shoes?" I paused to empty the sand out of my tennis shoes.

"I used to climb a lot of trees as a child." She was already walking towards a run down looking building.

"Can't you wait for anything?"

"Not you."

Bruno waited for me though. I shook my head, some consolation.

I hurried to follow. She was already inside the building talking to a scrony looking man.

"…married? Wow, I thought you were lying to tell you the truth."

"Yeah well, it wasn't my first choice I'll tell you that."

"Is that the ring?" He took her hand. "Wow! That's expensive." He pulled out a tine magnifying glass.

"It's 2 grand if you're wondering." I said, coming to stand behind her.


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